Real Time with Bill Maher [ S18 X 23 ] PELÍCULA 4K español

2020-08-15 4

60min. ago Real Time with Bill Maher [ S18 X 23 ] PELÍCULA 4K español If you've ever watched one of the many talk shows that litter cable and wondered: "Who would give this person a show?" Rest assured: you are not alone. 'Real Time' is just about the rock bottom of them all. But as if the premise isn't bizarre enough (i.e. a 61 year old bachelor who curses just about every other word and practically brags about his cannabis use), the treatment of some very important political issues is even worse. Like the rest of the opinion shows out there: there is no restraint on the demonization of the opposition and the applause lines are endless. And if all that isn't bad enough: the time wasted talking to some really fascinating people with all that. Some of them even play along with it. For example, he had Jane Goodall on there during Bush's Presidency. And he brings up Bush's intelligence and then they start comparing him to a monkey. (This is coming from a guy who has pleaded for more civility in politics.) This is not to mention all the other lowbrow stuff he brought up. (And this guy went to Cornell?) I think I'd rather ask Goodall about Bigfoot than to waste anyone's time with that.

As a southerner, I get a kick out of the frequent targets against my region. Once I saw some sort of contest (similar to the NCAA Final 4) where he named the "stupidest state". Of course, just about all of his selections were southern states. Something he misses though: just about all of them had some of the highest concentrations of African-Americans in this country. (Mississippi for example is 37% black, the highest in the country.) That's an interesting stance to take. I wonder if he thinks all the dumb people are white republicans? And as someone who lives here I can tell him: if your definition of stupid is someone who believes in creationism.....then there are a ton of stupid people here who aren't white.

As a engineer, I also laugh at the notion that we southerners are "anti- science". (Coming from a guy with degrees in English & History.) I'd like him to go to any of the major engineering hubs in the southeast (i.e. Houston, Atlanta, Greenville, Raleigh, etc.) and tell all of them they hate science. Of course, he has admitted on this show that he really doesn't know many southerners to start with. (No kidding.) And I'd pay some real money to see a evolutionary biologist give him a pop quiz (and him fail it spectacularly). The point being: he doesn't have any more of a knowledge base to accept evolution than those who reject it.

One infamous moment (for any thinking person who saw it) had to be the time he sent Alexandra Pelosi down to Mississippi to get a taste of "real Americans in the south". Maher made it a point to say (in the intro) that she did not "cherry pick" these people. That she just got "off the plane" and this is what she saw: a bunch off toothless hicks sitting 'round the shack. Baloney. First off, everyone they